Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Cherokee Paint Submission 2024

 This year I went to Cherokee with my Khorne daemons. Like last year, I decided to strip my whole army 2 weeks before the super and paint them. The theme I decided was to go with Zodiark from FFXIV. These are with purple/black/burgendy/blue hues. Zodiark's theme was the hardest, but most fun I have ever done since I couldn't decide to go with warm or cool tones since I was contradicting myself quite a bit. However, I was able to finish the army before Cherokee. Belakor is only 90% done and the rest are between 50-75%. With this in mind, I still did my submission to see where do I fall with the display board that I also created. I didn't know that the scoring at Cherokee was the same one as the Golden Demon Awards. So with a not completed army I scored a 52/100 with the highest at the super being an 80. I hope to keep on improving and next year score in the low 70s with what ever army I decide to submit. I believe the smartest thing is to finish my demons, and next year re-submit again to see how much did I improve. 

    With the scoring I learned a lot of things. Belakor was the highlight of the army, but it was not an obvious centerpiece. Thus, I need to make this more of a spotlight. I may need to change his basing to be more pronounced. Next, the ice swords were not as good as I would have liked. Granted, I only have done 30 swords with this technique.... with only my blood letters. The basing was good, but didn't bring out the khorne skull theme that I was hoping, but that is an easy fix. Lastly, I learned a lot about purple and how much it can help with making a model more warm or cool depending upon what hues you can use. Overall, it was great to have the feedback from the scoring of where my weaknesses are and how to make my painting stronger.

Zodiark FFXIV

 Paint Score 2024
Daemon Army    

Cherokee Paint Submission 2024

 This year I went to Cherokee with my Khorne daemons. Like last year, I decided to strip my whole army 2 weeks before the super and paint th...